Day: January 15, 2025

Safeway Shoppig Trip, picture on my dining table
Grocery Outlet Online Groceries Safeway Sprouts Weekly Deals Whole Foods

The BEST Vegan & Plant-Based Grocery Deals! 1/15-1/21

Highlights: Broccoli $.97/lb., Larabars $1 + More for Less! Note: Prices are good thru Tuesday unless stated otherwise With rising grocery prices and seemingly no end to this, I’m compelled to work even harder to help you save money on your grocery budget. Recently, I saw $8 boxes of cereal and $19 for a can […]

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Blue mason jar that says "The Penny Pantry"
Money Saving Tips

How I Achieved a 90% Savings on Groceries

Over twenty years ago, I went from spending $500 a month on groceries (for 2 adults) to $50 a month.  So, how did I do it?  The following is an overview of My System, and I will be writing a more detailed post soon on each of these strategies, so keep checking back! Happy Saving! 🙂 […]

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Homemade Indian Tomato Vegan Lentil Soup
Recipes The System Uncategorized

Vegan Indian Tomato Lentil Soup for the Week – Only $.22/serving!

Every Sunday, I make a big batch of soup for the upcoming week.  We usually have it for dinner the night I make it with a salad or bread, etc.  During the following week, my husband likes to bring soup every day to work (and he is totally fine with eating the same thing every […]

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Homemade Vegan Pancake Stack with strawberries
Recipes The System

Fluffy Vegan (oil-free!) Buttermilk Pancakes only 4 cents each!

I made these pancakes yesterday for my family, and wanted to share the recipe with all of you!  I have been using the same basic recipe for a number of years and it is a very reliable recipe.  I’ve tried other recipes, and always come back to this one.  I like to use Bob’s Whole […]

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The Penny Pantry

The Penny Pantry