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This was a fun and frugal shopping trip I did on Saturday, 1/22/22. I thought this was a good one to show you how I save with Weekly Deals, Monthly Deals and the FREE Sampling Freebies for the Month. This post has all three!
I believe all of these deals are good thru Tuesday, 1/25. You can double-check my Sprouts Weekly Post here:
Several of the items I got for FREE! If you haven’t signed up for the Sampling Program yet, I have some info. here:
Some prices may be regional; these prices are based on advertised prices for my area in the San Francisco Bay Area. Check other regional area flyers
Here’s the Breakdown of My Trip:
Most, if not all of these are in my Weekly Deals Post. Be sure to check it out every week for more great deals! We also have a NEW Monthly Booklet coming out next week. I post deals every Tuesday for new sales that start Wednesday.
1.09 lbs. Organic Bunched Broccoli @$1.77/lb.=$1.93
1.98 lbs. Sweet Onions @$.88/lb.=$1.74
4.19 lbs. Red Garnet Yams @$.88/lb.=$3.69
1.07 lbs. Zucchini Squash @$.88/lb.=$.94
5 lb. bag Red Potatoes $3.99
1 bunch Green Onions $.99
1 Silk Oatmilk half gallon $3.99 Reg. price
Save 50% Off with Sprouts app coupon Exp. 2/03
Submit for the $.75/1 Ibotta for Silk Oatmilk Limit 5
Paid $1.24
2 Sprouts brand Firm Tofu @$1.69 ea.=$3.38
2 Chosen Foods Guacamoles
25% Off Weekly Sale
Submit for the $3.99/2 Ibotta for Chosen Foods Guacamole Must buy 2
Paid $1.99 total, $.99 ea.
Omni Pork Product FREE with Sampling Program (requires signup)
Check your offers, must clip app coupon
1 Miyoko’s Vegan Liquid Mozzarella $6.99
1 Miyoko’s Fresh Mozzarella $8.99 reg. price, FREE with Sprouts coupon (I expected the liquid cheese to deduct, but this one did)
Coupon details:
Get ONE FREE Miyoko’s Vegan Liquid Mozzarella when you Buy ONE Miyoko’s Fresh Mozzarella
Must use Sprouts app coupon Exp. 2/01
Lightlife Refrigerated Meats – 2/$5 Monthly sale thru 1/25
1 Sausage Roll $2.50
3 Hot Dogs
Submit for the $.75/1 Ibotta for Lightlife Hot Dogs Limit 5
Paid $1.75 ea.=$5.25/all
3 Tempeh asst.
Use the $1/1 Printable Coupon for Lightlife Tempeh
Use the $1/1 Lightlife Tempeh Sprouts app coupon Exp. 2/10
Submit for the $1/1 Ibotta for Lightlife Hot Dogs Limit 5
Paid $.50 ea.=$1.50/all
Just Egg $3.99 Monthly sale thru 1/25
Submit for the $1.50/1 Ibotta for Just Egg bottles Limit 5
I also use (2) $1/1 printable coupons, no longer available
Paid $1.49 ea.=$2.98 total
Pantry, Beverages & Snacks
1 Craize Plantain Crackers FREE with Sampling Program (requires signup)
Check your offers, must clip app coupon
1 Purely Elizabeth Granola FREE with Sampling Program (requires signup)
Check your offers, must clip app coupon
1 LaraBars 6 ct. FREE with Sampling Program (requires signup)
Check your offers, must clip app coupon
2 Barney Butter almond packets 30% Off! Monthly Sale thru 1/25
Use the Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Sprouts app coupon for Barney Butter Almond Butter Single Packs Snack Packs Exp. 1/31
Paid $.70 total, $.35 ea.
1 Chocolove Mint Dark Chocolate Bites
Save 50% Off with Sprouts app coupon Exp. 2/15
Paid $1.74
2 Celestial Seasonings Boxed TeaWell Teas $3.99 ea.
Use the Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Sprouts app coupon Exp. 2/14
Submit 2x for the $1/1 Ibotta for Celestial Teawell Tea Limit 5
Paid $.99 per box=$1.98 total
SUB TOTAL at register=$59.52
Used a $20 Gift Card (gifted by a member!)-$20
Submitted for Ibottas: -$16.99 ($1 was a weekend bonus)
TOTAL OOP=$22.53 with ($20 gift card payment OR $42.43 without
I hope you’re able to get in on these deals, and this helps you plan your own trip to save lots of money on your groceries! <3 Amy